Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017

Effective Slimming With Garlic In Three Days

Garlic, belonging to the family of Liliaceae, originates in Central Asia, possibly from Kyrgyz, but has been cultivated since ancient times in the Mediterranean basin and now in temperate zones around the world.

It is a lively herbaceous plant, due to its bulb or head, composed of a dozen teeth wrapped in a silky white membrane, arranged circlularly around the root stem.

The stem is about 40 cm high and is cylindrical flat and grooved on the underside.

The flowers are white or pink, and are grouped in a terminal umbel, which is then closed in a capsule with a very long tip.

General use of garlic

Many ancient peoples used garlic for thousands of years as food and medicine. One of its most famous uses was during the Middle Ages, when it was considered very effective against the plague.
In 1858 Louis Pasteur formally studied the antibiotic properties of garlic. Dr. Albert Schweitzer used the plant to effectively treat cholera, typhus, and dysentery in Africa in the 1950s. Before antibiotics were available , it was used as a treatment for wounds during the two world wars.

Garlic is now a natural remedy for a wide range of diseases ranging from atherosclerosis, stroke, cancer, immune disorders, brain aging, arthritis and even cataracts; Perhaps because it is packed with vitamins, minerals and other powerful antioxidants.

Many people do not like garlic because of its smell, but garlic works precisely because it “stinks”: its explosive aroma comes from its more active ingredient, the high, which is transformed into various organosulfur compounds, which reduce in Oxidation, inflammation and other cellular destruction processes underlying each of the “major chronic diseases” listed by the researchers.

Slimming garlic

Slimming Garlic # 1:

Peel a raw tooth and split it into several pieces. Swallow it with a glass of water as if it were a medication (ie, without chewing) on an empty stomach . This recipe has the added virtue that can help you fight cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Slimming garlic # 2:

Boil 3 cups of water and, when it reaches the boiling point, pour 3 cloves of previously peeled and chopped garlic and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Let it cool and take it throughout the day.

Slimming Garlic # 3:

Pour 1 clove garlic, chopped raw in a cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Add the juice of a lemon and take on an empty stomach


Garlic can be very irritating to the digestive system. Excessive intake (usually more than 5 cloves of garlic a day) can cause bloating, excessive bloating, abdominal pains, diarrhea and even red blood cell injury.

Garlic travels through the lungs and circulatory stream, giving an intense smell of breath, skin and perspiration. The odor can be present between 4 and 18 hours. One way to counteract this odor is to consume parsley.

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